UOK: Uiseong Apple Orchard

General site detail (Updated 6 June 2024)
 Site name
 Uiseong Apple Orchard
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Singye-ri, Oksan-myeon, Uiseong-gun, Korea
 Position 36°25'00.485"N, 128°47'56.715"E
 Elevation 184 m above sea level
 Slope N/A
 Terrain type
 Area Farmland
 Fetch N/A
 Climate Continental Climate (Dwa)
 Mean annual air temperature
 12.3 ℃ (2013-2022)
 Mean annual precipitation
 864 mm (2013-2022)
 Vegetation type
 Apple Orchard
 Dominant Species (Overstory)
 Malus pumila
 Dominant Species (Understory)
 Canopy height
 ~ 4.5 m
 Age Annual Plant
 LAI ~ 1.5 (±0.5)
 Soil type

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path (CO2 flux, latent heat flux)
 Wind speed
 3D sonic anemometer (WindMaster Pro)
 Air temperature
 3D sonic anemometer (WindMaster Pro)
 Water vapor
 Open path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500)
 CO2 Open path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500)
 Measurement height
 7 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 min.
 Data logger
 LI-7550 (Li-Cor, USA)
 Data storage
 CF card
 Original data
 Statistics (Raw data is also available)

 Observation items
 Levels / Depth
 Global solar radiation
 7 m Net radiometer (CNR4, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 Global solar radiation
 7 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Long-wave radiation
 7 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Long-wave radiation
 7 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Net radiation
 7 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Air temperature
 5.5 m
 Temperature and RH probe (HPM155, Vaisala, Finland)
 Humidity 5.5 m
 Temperature and RH probe (HMP155)
 Soil temperature
 -0.3 m
 Soil temperature sensor (Hydra ProbeⅡ, Stevens Water Monitoring System Inc., USA)
 Soil heat flux
 -0.3 m
 Heat Flux plate (HFP-1, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Soil water content
 -0.3 m
 Soil moisture sensor (Hydra ProbeⅡ)
 Wind speed
 7 m
 3D sonic anemometer (WindMaster Pro, Gill Instruments Ltd., ENG)
 Wind direction
 7 m
 3D sonic anemometer (WindMaster Pro)
 Barometric pressure
 7 m
 Open path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Precipitation 5.5 m
 Tipping bucket rain gauge
 CO2 concentration
 7 m
 Open path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500)
 H2O concentration
 7 m
 Open path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500)

 Photosynthesis Portable chamber (LI-6400XT, Li-Cor)
 Canopy structure
 Digital camera, LED sensor
 Ecological investigation
 Soil respiration

Observation Period and Data Availability
 Measurement Period
 June 2016 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability

 Mingu Kang (hyekky[at]korea.kr)
 National Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
 Rural Development Administration
 166, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do,
 55365, KOREA
 Phone: +82-63-238-2523  Fax: +82-63-238-3823
 Kyo-Moon Shim (kmshim[at]korea.kr)
 National Instiute of Agricultural Sciences,
 Rural Development Administration
 166, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do,
 55365, KOREA
 Phone: +82-63-238-2518  Fax: +82-63-238-3823

 Tower, Electrical power (AC)

Research Fund
 Rural Development Administration Research and Development Program (Project No. PJ014892)

Calibration Information
 Open-path gas analyzer (LI-7500) were calibrated approximately in every year with standard CO2 gases and a dew point generator (LI-610, Li-Cor, USA).

 Jina Hur et al. (2020). Estimation and Comparison of Carbon Uptake in Rice Paddy, Dry Cropland and Grove in South Korea using Eddy Covariance Flux Data. Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 39(4): 334-342.