PRW: Paddy rice flux plot _ Panjin Wetland
Ecosystem Research Station
General site detail (Updated 17 December 2007)
 Site name
  Paddy rice flux plot _ Panjin Wetland Ecosystem  Research Station
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Shuangtai Estuary National Nature Reserve, Panjin,  Liaoning province, China
 Position 41º 08.7' N, 121º 54.9' E (GPS)
 Elevation 7 m a.s.l. (GPS)
 Slope 0º
 Terrain type
 AreaAlluvial plain
 Area 750 km2
 Fetch 350 m
 Climate Continental semi-humid monsoon climate of warm  temperate zone
 Mean annual air temperature
 Mean annual precipitation
 631 mm
 Vegetation type
 Rice paddy
 Domestic species (Overstory)
 Oryza sativa L.
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Canopy height
 90 cm
 Age -
 LAI 7
 Soil type
 Paddy soil

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path system
 Wind speed
 CSAT3 3-D SONIC Anemometer
 Air temperature
 HMP45C, Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland
 Water vapor
 CS 7500 (LI-COR LI 7500 open-path CO2/H2O Analyzer)
 CO2 CS 7500 (LI-COR LI 7500 open-path CO2/H2O Analyzer)
 Measurement height
 3 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 min
 Data logger
 CR 5000
 Data storage
 PC card
 Original data
 Raw data

 Observation items
  Levels/ Depth
 Global solar radiation(incoming)
 5 m  CNR1, Kipp & Zonen. Corp., Delft, Holland
 Global solar 
radiation (outgoing)
 5 m
  CNR1, Kipp & Zonen. Corp., Delft, Holland
 Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 
 5 m  CNR1, Kipp & Zonen. Corp., Delft, Holland
 Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 
 5 m
  CNR1, Kipp & Zonen. Corp., Delft, Holland
 Net radiation
 5 m
  CNR1, Kipp & Zonen. Corp., Delft, Holland
 PPFD (incoming)
 6.5 m
  LI-190Sb,LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA
 PPFD (outgoing)
 Direct / diffuse radiation
 Direct / diffuse PPFD
 Air temperature
 4, 6.5 m  HMP45C, Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland
 Humidity 4, 6.5 m  HMP45C, Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland
 Soil temperature
 5, 10, 15, 20,  40, 80 cm    107L, Campbell Scientific Inc., USA
 Soil heat flux
 8 cm  HFP01, Hukseflux Inc., Netherlands
 Soil water 
 5 cm  CS616, Campbell Scientific Inc., USA
 Wind speed
 4, 6.5 m  014A, Campbell Scientific Inc., MS, USA
 Wind direction
 6.5 m  034B, Campbell Scientific Inc., MS, USA
 3 m CS 7500 (LI-COR LI 7500 CO2/H2O Analyzer)
 Precipitation Above the  canopy  52203, RM Young Inc., Traverse City, MI, USA
 Soil respiration
 Photosynthesis LI-6400R Portable Photosynthesis System
 Ecological investigation
 Biomass, Height, Leaf area index, Soil  physical and chemistry properties, Soil  microbial features
Observation Period and data Availability
 Measurement Period
 June 2004 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability
 Guangsheng ZHOU (gszhou [at]
 Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, 
 Institute of  Botany,the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 
 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan,  
 Haidian District, Beijing 100093, China  
 Xiaoying Wang (wangxy_0917 [at]
 Xianli ZHAO (zhaoxianli2001 [at]
 Institute of Atmospheric Environment, 
 China Meteorological  Administration,
 Shenyang, 66 Wenhua Road, Shenhe District,  
 Shenyang 110016, Liaoning Province, China
Yanbing Xie (xieyanbing1979 [at]
Calibration Information
 Calibrations for all instruments would be done once a year  
 EC-tower and micrometeorological tower
Research Fund
 'Mechanism of environmental pollution and ecological rehabilitation in  Northeast industry base' funded by State Science and Technology  Committee (2004CB418507-1)