NKS: Nakashibetu Station, NLBC General site detail (Updated 3 May 2010) Site name Nakashibetu Station, NLBC AsiaFlux site code NKS Location Sakuragaoka,Nakashibetu, Hokkaido, Japan Position 43° 32´ N, 144° 58´ E (GPS) Elevation 50 m above sea level Slope - Terrain type Almost Flat Area 250x200m for Chemical fertilizer plot and 250 x 150m for Manure plot (Total area is 8.8 ha) Fetch - Climate Cool Temperate Mean annual air temperature 5.2 deg (1979 - 2000) Mean annual precipitation 1120 mm (1979 - 2000) Vegetation type Hay meadow (Chemical fertilizer and Manure plots) Domestic species (Overstory) Timothy (Phleum pretense L.) Quack grass (Agropyron repens L., P.Beauv) Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea. L.) Dominant species (Understory) - Canopy height Maximum 1.0 m Age - LAI - Soil type Andosol (Acrudoxic Virtric Melanudand)
Observations Eddy Covariance method (CO
2 )
System Open-path system Wind speed Sonic anemometer-thermometer (CSAT3, Campbell, USA) Air temperature Sonic anemometer-thermometer (CSAT3, Campbell, USA) Water vapor NDIR (LI-7500, LICOR, USA) CO2 NDIR (LI-7500, LICOR, USA) Measurement height 2.5 m Sampling frequency 10 Hz Averaging time 30 min Data logger CR23X-4M, cambell, USA Data storage CF Original data Raw data
Observation items Levels/ Depth Instrument Global solar radiation(incoming) - Global solar radiation (outgoing) - Long-wave radiation(incoming) - Long-wave radiation(outgoing) - Net radiation - PPFD (incoming) 1.6 m Quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-190SA) PPFD (outgoing) 1.6 m Quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-190SA) Direct / diffuse radiation - Direct / diffuse PPFD - Air temperature 2.5 m Ventilated Pt resistance thermometer (HMP-45A, VAISALA) at mature field Humidity 2.5 m Capacitive hygrometer (HMP45A, VAISALA) Soil temperature -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 m T-type thermocouple (T-soil4, MeiwaShoji) Soil heat flux Soil water content -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 m (EC20, DECAGON) Wind speed 2.5 m Sonic anemometer-thermometer (CSAT3, Campbell) Wind direction 2.5 m Sonic anemometer-thermometer (CSAT3, Campbell) Barometric pressure 2.5 m Sonic anemometer-thermometer (CSAT3, Campbell) Precipitation - CO2 concentration -
Soil respiration Static closed chamber Methane (CH4 ) Static closed chamber (biweekly) since 2004- Nitrous oxide (NO2 ) Static closed chamber (biweekly) since 2004-
Observation Period and data Availability Measurement Period From September 2004 to present Measurement Frequency Continuous Data Availability N/A
Contact Takehiko MATSUMOTO (matsumoto-takehiko [at] hro.or.jp) Local Independent Administrative Agency Hokkaido Research Organization.Agricultural Research DepartmentKONSEN Agricultural Experiment StationAsahigaoka7,Nakashibetu,Hokkaido 086-1135,Japan TEL : + 81-153-72-2843 FAX : + 81-153-73-5329 Takatoshi ARITA (arita-takatoshi [at] hro.or.jp) Hokkaido Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station, Asahigaoka7,Nakashibetu,Hokkaido 086-1135,Japan TEL : + 81-153-72-2843 FAX : + 81-153-73-5329
Infrastructure Research Fund Research grants from Racing and Livestock Association organized by Japan Grassland Agriculture & Forage Seed Association for the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation Project in Japanese Grasslands