Ishizuka S., Sakata T., Sawata S., Ikeda S., Sakai H., Takenaka C., Tamai N., Onodera S., Shimizu T., Kan-na K., Tanaka N., Takahashi M.: 2009, Methane uptake rates in Japanese forest soils depend on the oxidation ability of topsoil, with a new estimate for global methane uptake in temperate forest7, Biogeochemistry, 92(3):281-295
Kumagai T., Tateishi M., Shimizu T., Otsuki K.: 2008, Transpiration and canopy conductance at two slope positions in a Japanese cedar forest watershed, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(10):1444-1455
Kobayashi M., Shimizu T.: 2007, Soil water repellency in a Japanese cypress plantation restricts increases in soil water storage during rainfall events, Hydrological Processes, 21(17): 2356-2364
Shimizu, T.: 2007, ‘Practical applicability of high frequency correction theories to CO2 flux measured by a closed-path system’, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 122, 437-438.
Kumagai, T., Aoki, S., Shimizu, T. and Otsuki, K.: 2007, ‘Sap flow estimates of stand transpiration at two different slope positions in a Japanese cedar forest watershed’, Tree Physiology, 27, 161-168.
Ishizuka, S., Sakata, T., Sawata, S., Ikeda, S., Takenaka, C., Tamai, N., Sakai, H., Shimizu, T., Kan-na, K., Onodera, S., Tanaka, N. and Takahashi, M.: 2006, ‘High potential for increase in CO2 flux from forest soil surface due to global warming in cooler areas of Japan’, Annals Forest Science, 63, 537-546.
Shimizu, T.: 2005, 'Kahoku Experimental Watershed - The Southernmost Observation Site of FFPRI FLUXNET -' , Asiaflux Newsletter, 13, 9-10.
Shimizu A., Shimizu, T., Miyabuchi, Y. and Ogawa, Y.: 2003, ‘Evapotranspiration and runoff in a forest watershed, western Japan’, Hydrological Processes 17, 3125-3139.AsiaFlux Newsletter Articles
Tower, Electrical power (100V AC 60Hz)
Research Fund
Research grant #199903 (1999-2002) of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute Research grant #200303 (2003-2005) of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute "Evaluation, Adaptation and Mitigation of Global Warming in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:Research and Development" by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (2006-present) "Long-term Monitoring of Carbon Flux and Promotion of Data Network in Asian Terrestrial Ecosystems" by Ministry of Environment, Japan (2007- present) Global Environment Research Account for National Institutes, Ministry of the Environment of Japan