Jun Asanuma (asanuma [at]suiri.tsukuba.ac.jp) Terrestrial Environment Research CenterUniversity of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan Tel:+81-298-53-6704 Fax:+ 81-298-53-6704
Sheng-Gong Li (lisg [at] igsnrr.ac.cn) Synthesis Research Center of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), DaTun Road A11, Anwai Street , ChaoYang DistrictBeijing, China PR, 100101 Tel: +86-10-64889039
Gombo Davaa (watersecta [at] yahoo.com) Institute of Meteorology and HydrologyHudaldannyi St.-5, Ulaanbaatar 46, Mongolia +976-11-312765+976-11-326611
Calibration Information
Calibration once a year.
Fense, electric power, pole
Research Fund
The rangelands atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interaction study experiment in north-eastern Asia (RAISE) project through financial support from Japan Science and Technology Agency (2003-2006)
Sugita, M., Asanuma, J., Tsujimura, M., Mariko, S., Lu, M., Kimura, F.,Azzaya, D., and Adyasuren, T., 2007: An overview of the rangelands atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interaction study experiment in northeastern asia (RAISE). Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 333, pp. 3-20.
S.-G. Li, J. Asanuma, W. Eugster, A. Kotani, G. Davaa, D. Oyunbaatar and M. Sugita (2005) Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange over grazed steppe in central Mongolia, Global Change Biology, online: 11, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01047.x
Asanuma J. and K. Iemoto (2006) Measurements of regional sensible heat flux over Mongolian grassland using large aperture scintillometer. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 58-67, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.07.031
Mariko S., T. Urano and J. Asanuma(2006): Effects of irrigation on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Mongolian steppe soil. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 118-123, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.07.027
S.-G. Li, J. Asanuma, A. Kotani, G. Davaa and D. Oyunbaatar(2006): Evapotranspiration from a Mongolian steppe under grazing and its environmental constraints. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 133-143, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.07.021
Li, Sheng-Gong, and Eugster, Werner, and Asanuma, Jun and Kotani, Ayumi and Davaa, Gombo and Oyunbaatar, Dambaravjaa and Sugita, Michiaki, 2006, Energy partitioning and its biophysical controls above a grazing steppe in central Mongolia, afm, 137, 89-106
Li, S.-G. and W. Eugster and Asanuma, J. and A. Kotani and G. Davaa and D. Oyunbaatar and M. Sugita, 2008, Response of gross ecosystem productivity, light use efficiency, and water use efficiency of Mongolian steppe to seasonal variations in soil moisture, jgr-b, 113, G01019, doi:10.1029/2006JG000349