IRI: IRRI Flux Research Site

General site detail (updated 16 May 2012)
 Site name
 IRRI Flux Research Site
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
 Position 14.2°N, 121.3°E
 Elevation 21 m above sea level
 Slope 1-2º
 Terrain type
 Agricultural land
 Area 8 ha
 Fetch 100-150 m
 Climate Tropical
 Mean annual air temperature
 27.5°C (1979-2007)
 Mean annual precipitation
 2075 mm (1979-2007)
 Vegetation type
 Domestic species (Overstory)
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Canopy height
 1 m
 Age About 120 days
 LAI About 6.5(Max.)
 Soil type
 Aquandic Epiaquoll

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path system  (CO2 flux, latent heat flux)
 Wind speed 
 3D sonic anemometer(CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Air temperature
 3D sonic anemometer(CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Water vapor
 Open path(LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 CO2 Open path(LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Measurement height
 2.25 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 min
 Data logger
 CR3000  (Campbell, USA)
 Data storage
 Original data
 Raw data

 Observation items
  Levels/ Depth
 Global solar radiation(incoming)
 2.25 m Pyranometer (LI-200S, LI-COR, USA)
 Net radiometer 
 (NR01, Hukseflux, Campbell, USA)
 Global solar 
radiation (outgoing)
 2.25 m Net radiometer
 (NR01, Hukseflux, Campbell, USA)
 Long-wave radiation(incoming) 
 2.25 m Net radiometer
 (NR01, Hukseflux, Campbell, USA)
  Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 2.25 m Net radiometer
 (NR01, Hukseflux, Campbell, USA)
 Net radiation
 2.25 m Net radiometer
 (NR01, Hukseflux, Campbell, USA)
 PPFD (incoming)
 2.25 m Quantum sensor (LI-190S, LI-COR, USA)
 PPFD (outgoing)
 2.25 m Quantum sensor (LI-190S, LI-COR, USA)
 Direct / diffuse radiation
 Direct / diffuse PPFD
 Air temperature
 0.75, 2.25 m Platinum resistance thermometer
 (HMP45C, Vaisala)
 Humidity 0.75, 2.25 m Capacitive hygrometer (HMP45C, Vaisala)
 Soil temperature
 0.05, 0.10, 0.15  m 
 T-type thermocouple
 Soil heat flux
 Soil water 
 Wind speed
 2.25 m Vantage Pro2 Plus weather system (Davis, USA)
 Wind direction
 20.8 m Vantage Pro2 Plus weather system (Davis, USA)
 2.25 m Vantage Pro2 Plus weather system (Davis, USA)
 Precipitation 2.25 m Vantage Pro2 Plus weather system (Davis, USA)
 2.25 m LI-7500 (Li-Cor, USA)
 H2O concentration 2.25 m LI-7500 (Li-Cor, USA)
 Soil respiration
 Photosynthesis -
 CH4 eddy covariance (Half hourly) since 2011-
 Ecological investigation
 Biomass, LAI, plant height, tiller no.
Observation Period and Data Availability
 Measurement Period
 from January 2008 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability
 2009 - 2010 in AsiaFlux Database
 Maricar Alberto (maricar.alberto[at] )
R.Wassmann (R.Wassmann[at]IRRI.ORG) 
 Rice Climate Change Consortium, Crop & Environmental Sciences  Division, International Rice Research Institute, College, 4030
 Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines 
 TEL : +63(49)536-2701 loc 2300 FAX : +63(49)536-7995
Calibration Informationion
 Open-path analyzers were calibrated approximately in every 6 months  with standard CO2 gases and a dew point generator(LI610, Li-Cor,  USA).
Alberto, M.C.R., Wassmann, R., Hirano, T., Miyata, A., Kumar, A., Padre, A., Amante, M., 2009. CO2/heat fluxes in rice fields: Comparative assessment of flooded and non-flooded fields in the Philippines. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149, 1737-1750.

Alberto, M.C.R., Wassmann, R., Hirano, T., Miyata, A., Hatano, R., Kumar, A., Padre, A., Amante, M., 2011. Comparisons of energy balance and evapotranspiration between flooded and aerobic rice fields in the Philippines. Agricultural Water Management. 98, 1417-1430.

Alberto, M.C.R., Hirano, T., Miyata, A., Wassmann, R., Kumar, A., Padre, A., Amante, M., 2012. Influence of climate variability on seasonal and interannual variations of ecosystem CO2 exchange in flooded and non-flooded rice fields in the Philippines. Field Crops Research.