HRK:  Hari Rural Rice Paddy

General site detail (updated 16 February 2009)
 Site name
 Hari Rural Rice Paddy
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Hari, Gangwha, Korea
 Position 37° 4' N, 126° 2' E
 Elevation N/A
 Slope Flat
 Terrain type
 Area -
 Fetch over 2 km for all direction
 Climate Temperate (Dwa)
 Mean annual air temperature
 10.8°(in 2001)
 Mean annual precipitation
 1139 mm(in 2001)
 Vegetation type
 rice paddy
 Domestic species (Overstory)
 Oryza sativa
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Canopy height
 0.95 m
 Age Annual Plant
 LAI 3.5-5.1(Sept. 2001)
 Soil type
 Silt loam, Silt

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path system  (CO2 flux, latent heat flux)
 Wind speed 
 3D sonic anemometer(CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Air temperature
 3D sonic anemometer(CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Water vapor
 Open path(LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 CO2 Open path(LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Measurement height
 5.5 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 min
 Data logger
 CR5000  (Campbell, USA)
 Data storage
 Original data
 Raw data 

 Observation items
  Levels/ Depth
 Global solar radiation(incoming)
 2.9 m Net radiometer
 (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 Global solar 
radiation (outgoing)
 2.9 m Net radiometer
 (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 Long-wave radiation(incoming) 
 2.9 m Net radiometer
 (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
  Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 2.9 m Net radiometer
 (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 Net radiation
 2.9 m Net radiometer
 (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 PPFD (incoming)
 2.9 m Pyranometer
 PPFD (outgoing)
 Direct / diffuse radiation
 Direct / diffuse PPFD
 Air temperature
 9 m Humidity and temperature probe
 (HMP45, Vaisala, the Netherlands)
 Humidity 9 m
 Humidity and temperature probe
 (HMP45, Vaisala, the Netherlands)
 Soil temperature
 3, 5 cm 
 Soil thermocouple probe
 (TCAV, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Soil heat flux
 8, 9 cm 
 HFT3(Campbell Scientific, USA)
 Soil water 
 0 - 9 cm  Water content reflectometer
 (CS-615, Campbell Sci. Inc., USA)
 Wind speed
 5.5  m 

 2.9 m
 3D sonic anemometer
 (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 3cup anemometer
 (03101, RMYoung, USA)
 Wind direction
 5.5 m 3D sonic anemometer
 (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 4 m Open path(LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Precipitation 1 m TE525(Campbell Scientific, USA)
 5.5 m Open-path gas analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 H2O concentration 5.5 m Open-path gas analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Soil respiration
 Photosynthesis -
 Ecological investigation
Observation Period and data Availability
 Measurement Period
 Mar. 2001 and 12 Sept. to 30 Oct.   2001 / Apr-Dec 2002
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability
 Minseok Kang (ms-kang [at]
 National Center for Agro-Meteorology, Seoul National  UniversityBld.36/Rm.109, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro,  Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea
 Phone : +82-2-871-0236 Fax : +82-2-871-0230
 Joon Kim (joon [at]
 Department of Landscape Architecture & Rural Systems Engineering,  Seoul National UniversityComplex Systems Science Laboratory,  Bld.36/Rm.108, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu,  Seoul 151-742, Korea
 Phone : +82-2-880-4663 Fax : +82-2-365-5163
Park, Y., S. Ryoo, W. Kwon and J. Kim, 2002. On the quality of low level fluxes during Hari Intensive Field Experiment(HIFE). Korean Agricultural Forestry and Meteorology. 3(2), 129-139. (in Korean with English abstract)

Moon, B., J. Hong, B. Lee, J. Yun, E. Park, J. Kim, 2003. CO2 and energy exchange in a rice paddy for the growing season of 2002 in Hari, Korea. Korean Agricultural Forestry and Meteorology. 5(2), 51-60.

Kim, K., M. Kim, J. Kim, 2005. Application of micrometeorological approaches to measure methane exchange in a dry paddy field in the western coast of Korea. Chemosphere, 59(11), 1613-1624.