HCH: Hachihama Experimental Farm
 General site detail (updated 30 June 2011) Site name
| Hachihama Experimental Farm | AsiaFlux site code
| Location | Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture | Position | 34º 32’ N, 133º 56' E | Elevation | -2 m ASL | Slope | -
| Terrain type
| - | Area | About 300 ha (3km by 1km along kamo-river) | Fetch | About 200 m (all wind directions) | Climate | Warm and humid climate | Mean annual air temperature
| 16.7 ºC | Mean annual precipitation
| 1100 mm | Vegetation type
| Rice paddy Field | Domestic species (Overstory)
| Rice ( Olyza sativa L.; cultivar Akebono ) | Dominant species (Understory)
| N/A | Canopy height
| About 1.2 m (maximum) | Age | N/A | LAI | About 4.5 m2 m-2 (maximum) | Soil type
| Strong gley lowland soils (Classification of cultivated soils in Japan, 1996) | ObservationsEddy Covariance method (CO 2) System | Open-path system
| Wind speed
| Sonic anemometer-thermometer, DA600 (SONIC) | Air temperature
| Sonic anemometer-thermometer, DA600 (SONIC) | Water vapor
| Before June, 2003: E009B (Advanet) , After July, 2003: Li7500 (Li-Cor) | CO2 | Before June, 2003: E009B (Advanet) , After July, 2003: Li7500 (Li-Cor) | Measurement height
| 1.8 m | Sampling frequency
| 10 Hz | Averaging time
| 30 min | Data logger
| Laptop PC based system with DAQ700 card (National Instruments Co.) | Data storage
| HDD on PC, mobile HDD, and Database server | Original data
| Raw data
Meteorology Observation items
| Levels/ Depth
| Instrument
| Global solar radiation(incoming)
| 2 m | MR-40 (Eiko, Japan) | Global solar radiation (outgoing)
| 2 m | MR-40 (Eiko, Japan) | Long-wave radiation(incoming)
| 2 m | MR-40 (Eiko, Japan) | Long-wave radiation(outgoing) | 2 m | MR-40 (Eiko, Japan) | Net radiation
| 2 m | MR-40 (Eiko, Japan) | PPFD (incoming)
| - | | PPFD (outgoing)
| - |
| Direct / diffuse radiation
| - | | Direct / diffuse PPFD
| - | | Air temperature
| 1.5 m | HMP45A (Vaisala) | Humidity | 1.5 m
| HMP45A (Vaisala) | Soil temperature
| 0.2 m
| Platinum resistance thermometer (N/A) | Soil heat flux
| 0.01 m
| MF180 (EKO, Japan) | Soil water content
| 0.03 m
| 5TM, Decagon | Wind speed
| 1.8 m
| sonic anemometer thermometer ( DA600, KAIJO, Japan)
| Wind direction
| 1.8 m | sonic anemometer thermometer ( DA600, KAIJO, Japan) | Barometric pressure
| 1.0 m | PTB210, Vaisala | Precipitation | 0.6 m | Rain Guage, OTA | CO2 concentration
| 1.8 m | CO2/H2O analyzer (LI-7500 LI-COR, USA) | H2O concentration | 1.8 m | CO2/H2O analyzer (LI-7500 LI-COR, USA) |
Other Soil respiration
| -
| Photosynthesis | - | Ecological investigation
| - |
Observation Period and data Availability Measurement Period
| From December 1998 to present | Measurement Frequency
| Continuous | Data Availability
| N/A | Contact Toru Iwata (iwata [at] cc.okayama-u.ac.jp) Takeshi Miura (miurat [at] cc.okayama-u.ac.jp) Graduate school of Environmental Science, Okayama University3-1-1, Tsushima-Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama-City, Okayama, 700-8530, Japan Tel:+81-86-251-8846 Fax: +81-86-251-8866 | Reserch Fund B-3 project, GERF, JapanS-1 project, GERF JapanGlobal warming project, MAFF, Japan