Register your site to AsiaFlux!
AsiaFlux Network very welcome information from flux observation sites. Aggregating and sharing this valuable information on flux site in Asia will bring us a strong collaboration not only between flux researchers but also with other study field such as modeling and remote-sensing. We would like you to kindly share the information of your observation site. You can update your information anytime you would like to after registration.

Please use ( template and sample_rev.pdf) fill up and send it to AsiaFlux Secretariat (secretary [at] with 2-3 original size image files of the site.
If you have any question, suggestions, or any updates of your site information please contact  AsiaFlux Secretariat (secretary [at]

Site information Update History
 - GBK and UOK were registered (2024 June)
 - OM1 and OM2 were registered (2023 May 24)
 - YNF was registered (2022 March 10)
 - DTP and ITP were registered (2021 December)
 - NKM was registered (2020 December 3)
 - JRS was registered (2020 January 16)
 - TCK was registered (2019 December 19)
 - ZRS was registered (2017 November 30)
 - CRK, HPK, TBK were registered (2017 May 31)
 - SWL was registered (2016 June 21)
 - PDF was registered (2016 January 22)
 - BBY was registered (2015 September 16)
 - IZM was registered (2015 February 5)
 - GRK was registered (2014 August 29)
 - BNS, CBS, HBG, QYZ, YCS were registered (2014 August 12)
 - AUY was registered (2014 June 10)
 - IFS was registered (2014 May 14)