CRK:Cheorwon Rice paddy

General site detail (Updated 22 May 2017)
 Site name
 Cheorwon Rice paddy
 AsiaFlux site code CRK
 Location Dongsong-eup, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do,
 Republic of Korea
 Position 38° 12'5" N, 127° 15'2" E
 Elevation 181 m a.s.l.
 Slope 0°
 Terrain type Flat
 Area N/A
 Fetch N/A
 Climate Warm Continental Climate (Dwa)
 Mean annual air temperature 10.2℃ (2011)
 Mean annual precipitation 1394 mm (2011)
 Vegetation type Rice paddy
 Domestic species (Overstory) Oryza sativa
 Dominant species (Understory) N/A
 Canopy height ~ 1m
 Age Annual Plant
 LAI ~ 6 (±1), Max in August
 Soil type N/A


Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Enclosed (CO2 flux, latent heat flux) and Open path (CH4 flux)
 Wind speed  3D sonic anemometer (CSAT3)
 Sonic temperature 3D sonic anemometer (CSAT3)
 Water vapor Enclosed path infrared gas analyzer (LI7200)
 CO2 Enclosed path infrared gas analyzer (LI7200)
 Measurement height 10 m
 Sampling frequency 10 Hz
 Averaging time 30 min.
 Data logger CR3000 (Campbell Sci., USA),
 Analyzer interface unit (LI-7550, Li-Cor)
 Data storage HD
 Original data Raw and statistics

 Observation items
 Levels / Depth
 Global solar radiation
 10 m
 Net radiometer
 (CNR4, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands)
 Global solar radiation
 10 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Long-wave radiation
 10 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Long-wave radiation
 10 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Net radiation
 10 m
 Net radiometer (CNR4)
 Direct and diffuse PPFD
 10 m
 Quantum sensor
 (PQS1 with rotating band, K&Z)
 Air temperature
 10 m
 Temperature and RH probe
 (HMP155, Vaisala, Finland)
 Humidity 10 m
 Temperature and RH probe (HMP155)
 Soil temperature
 0 ~ -0.1 m,
 -0.1 ~ -0.2 m
 Multiparameter smart sensor
 (CS655, Campbell Sci., Inc., USA)
 Soil heat flux
 -0.1 m
 Heat flux plate (HFP01, Hukseflux Thermal Sensors B.V., Netherlands)
 Soil water content
 0 ~ -0.1 m,
 -0.1 ~ -0.2 m
 Multiparameter smart sensor (CS655)
 Wind speed
 10 m
 3D sonic anemometer (CSAT3, CSI)
 Wind monitor (05103, R.M. Young Co., USA)
 Wind direction
 10 m
 3D sonic anemometer (CSAT3)
 Wind monitor (05103)
 Barometric pressure
 10 m
 Enclosed path infrared gas analyzer
 (LI7200, Li-Cor)
 Precipitation 1 m
 Tipping Bucket
 (WDR-205, Wedaen Co., Korea)
 Water temperature
 Ground Thermocouple probe (TCAV, CSI)
 Water depth
 Ground Water level gauge (BYL-EV250, Korea)

Flux of non-CO2 gases
 Gas CH4
 Method Open path CH4 analyzer (LI-7700, Li-Cor)
 Measurement height
 10 m
 Data logger
 Analyzer interface unit (LI-7550, Li-Cor)
 Data storage
 Raw data (and statistics)

 Photosynthesis Portable chamber (LI6400, Li-Cor)
 Canopy structure
 Digital camera, LED sensor
 Continuous spectral reflectance
 Jaz spectrometer (Ocean optics, USA)
 Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
 QEpro (Ocean optics, USA)
Observation Period and data Availability
 Measurement Period
 From May 2015 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability
 Youngryel Ryu (yryu[at]
 Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering,
 Seoul National University
 Bld.200/Rm.9217, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu,
 Seoul 08826, Korea
 Phone: +82-2-880-4871   Fax: +82-2-873-5113
 Joon Kim (joon[at]
 Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering,
 Seoul National University
 Complex System Science Laboratory, Bld.36/Rm.108, Seoul National
 University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
 Phone: +82-2-880-4663   Fax: +82-2-871-0230
 Minseok Kang (mc-kang[at]
 National Center for AgroMeteorology
 Bld.36/Rm.109, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu,
 Seoul 08826, Korea
 Phone: +82-2-871-0232    Fax: +82-2-871-0230
Calibration Information
 Infrared gas analyzer of EC system was calibrated approximately in
 every 6 months with standard CO2 gases and a dew point generator
 (LI610, Li-Cor).
 Other micrometeorological instruments are being calibrated approx.
 once in every 2 year.
 Tower, Electrical power (AC)
Research Fund
 Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development
 Program under Weather Information Service Engine (WISE) project,

 National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016M1A3A3A02018195)

 National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2015R1A2A1A16074924)