Tipping-bucket rainguage with heater (CYG- 52202, R. M. Young)
Snow depth
3.32 m
Ultrasonic distance sensor (SR-50, Campbell, USA)
CO2 concentration
30.2, 22.8, 18.4, 14.7, 10.6, 6.5, 3.6, 1.3 m
CO2 gas analyzer (LI-820, LICOR, USA)
Soil respiration
Continues (automated chambers) by CO2 gas analyzer (LI-820, LI-COR, USA)
Ecological investigation
Tree heights (2005), Crown projection (2005), Diameter of Breast Height, Biomass (2004 to present; every year), Litter fall (about every two months)
Water cycle within canopy
Through fall (twenty four points), Stem flow (three points)
Remote sensing
Fish-eye photographs (canopy, sky) and Radiative spectrum (income, outcome) by PEN (Phenological Eyes Network) system. Fish-eye photographs at ninety six points on the forest floor (November 7, 2006)
Ichiro TAMAGAWA (tama [at] green.gifu-u.ac.jp) [Flux and micrometeorology] Taku M. SAITOH (taku [at] green.gifu-u.ac.jp) [Soil respiration and ecological survey] Yuichiro YASHIRO (yashiro [at] green.gifu-u.ac.jp) [Water cycle within canopy] Toshiharu KOJIMA (kojima [at] green.gifu-u.ac.jp) River Basin Research Center, Gifu University1-1 Yanagido, Gifu, 501-1193 Japan
[Remote sensing] Shin NAGAI (nagai [at] green.gifu-u.ac.jp) Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology3173-25 Showa-machi Kanazawa, Yokohama, 236-0001 Japan
Calibration Information
Open-path analyzers were calibrated approximately every two-six months with two standard CO2 gases of 0 ppmv and 500 ppmv. The gain of CO2 of the closed-path analyzers (Li-820, LI-COR, USA) was checked one a day by flowing two standard CO2 gases of 0 ppmv and 500 ppmv, that were automatically controlled using CR10X (Campbell, USA).
Tower, Electrical power (AC), Facilities for communication (LAN to Gifu University), Accommodation (Takayama research site, Gifu University; About 20 minutes by car from TKC site).
Research Fund
JSPS 21st Century COE program "Satellite Ecology" at Gifu University (FY2004-2008)
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (#18780113) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to Dr. TM Saitoh (FY2006-2007)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (#21241009) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to Dr. H. Kondo (FY2009- 2011)
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Yashiro Y., Lee N.-Y., Ohtsuka T., Shizu Y., Saitoh T.M., Koizumi H. (2010) Biometric based estimation of net ecosystem production (NEP) in a mature Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation beneath a flux tower. Journal of Plant Research., 123, 463-472, DOI 10.1007/s10265-010-0323-8.
Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H., Lee N-Y., Yashiro Y., and Koizumi H. (2010) Carbon dioxide exchange in a cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest over complex topography in Japan during two years with contrasting climates. Journal of Plant Research. , 123, 473-483, DOI 10.1007/s10265-009-0308-7.
Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H., and Koizumi H. (2010) Heat storage due to photosynthesis and respiration activities in forests, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 66(4), 289-298 (in Japanese with English summary).
Sasai T., Saigusa N., Nasahara K.M., Ito A., Hashimoto H., Nemani R., Hirata H., Ichii K., Takagi T., Saitoh T.M., Ohta T., Murakami K., Oikawa T., Yamagichi Y. (2011) Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 1-km grid resolution, Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 1758-1771, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.03.007.
Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa, I. and Muraoka H. (2011) Effect of storage CO2term on evaluating carbon budget using eddy-covariance measurement,Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 93,105-112 (in Japanese withEnglish summary).
Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa, I., Muraoka H., and Koizumi H. (2011) Energybalance closure over a cool temperate forest in steeply slopingtopography during snowfall and snow-free periods, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 67(3), 107-116
Nagai S., Saitoh T.M., Kobayashi H., Ishihara M., Suzuki R., Motohka T.,Nasahara K.N. and Muraoka H. (in press) In situ examination of the relationship between various vegetation indices and canopy phenology in an evergreen coniferous forest, Japan. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Yoshino J., Muraoka H., Saigusa N., and TamagawaI. (accepted) Functional consequences of differences in canopy phenologyfor the carbon budgets of two cool-temperate forest types: simulationsusing the NCAR/LSM model and validation using tower flux and biometricdata. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research.