STK: King Sejong Station site

Gengeral site detail (Updated 15 September 2009)
 Site name
 King Sejong Station site
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Antarctic Peninsula
 Position 62º13'S, 58º 47'E
 Elevation 0 m above sea level
 Slope -
 Terrain type
 Area -
 Fetch -
 Climate Ice cap climate(EF)
 Mean annual air temperature
 -1.6 ºC (1988-2004)
 Mean annual precipitation
 484 mm(1988-2004)
 Vegetation type
 Domestic species (Overstory)
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Canopy height
 Age -
 LAI -
 Soil type

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path system 
 Wind speed
 3D Sonic Anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., USA)
 Air temperature
 3D Sonic Anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., USA)
 Water vapor
 H2O/CO2 Gas Analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 CO2 H2O/CO2 Gas Analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Measurement height
 12 m
 Sampling frequency
 20 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 min
 Data logger
 CR5000, Campbell Sci, Inc., USA
 Data storage
 Original data

 Observation items
  Levels/ Depth
 Global solar radiation(incoming)
 2 m CNR1 (Kipp&Zonen, Netherlands)
 Global solar 
radiation (outgoing)
 2 m CNR1 (Kipp&Zonen, Netherlands)
 Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 
 2 m CNR1 (Kipp&Zonen, Netherlands)
 Long-wave radiation(outgoing) 
 2 m CNR1 (Kipp&Zonen, Netherlands)
 Net radiation
 2 m CNR1 (Kipp&Zonen, Netherlands)
 PPFD (incoming)
 PPFD (outgoing)
 Direct / diffuse radiation
 Direct / diffuse  PPFD
 Air temperature
 - 3D sonic anemometer
 (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., USA)
 Humidity - 
 Soil temperature
 Soil heat flux
 Soil water 
 Wind speed
 - 3D sonic anemometer 
 (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., USA)
 Wind direction
 - 3D sonic anemometer
 (CSAT3, Campbell Sci., USA)
 Precipitation - 
 20.8 m H2O/CO2 Gas Analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 H2O  concentration 20.8 m H2O/CO2 Gas Analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor, USA)
 Soil respiration
 Photosynthesis -
 Ecological investigation
Observation Period and Data Availability
 Measurement Period
  February 2002 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability
 Taejin Choi (ctjin [at]
 Bang-Yong Lee (bylee [at]
 Namyi Chae (cnamyi [at]
 Korea Polar Research Institute, KOPRISongdo Techno Park, 7-50,  Songdo-Dong, Yeonsu-GuIncheon P.O. Box 32, 406-840, Korea
 Phone: +82-32-260-6075
 tower, Electrical power (AC)