Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) Program
[Effects of Rainfall Variability on Water Cycle and Ecosystem in Tropical Rain Forest under Asian Monsoon Climate]
[Field and modelling studies on the effect of forest devastation on flooding and environmental issues]
Daikoku, K., Hattori, S., Deguchi, A., Fujita, Y., Park, H., and Matsumoto, K. (2007) Impact of wind direction on diurnal and seasonal changes in wind profiles. J. For. Res., 12, 452-466. DOI 10.1007/s10310-007-0034-8
Daikoku, K., Hattori, S., Deguchi, A., Aoki, Y., Miyashita, M., Matsumoto, K., Akiyama, J., Iida, S., Toba, T., Fujita, Y., and Ohta, T. (2008) Influence of evaporation from the forest floor on evaporation from the dry canopy. Hydrol. Process. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7010
Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Daikoku, K., Iida, S., Yabuki, H., Kononov, A. V., van der Molen, M. K., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T. C., Dolman, A. J., and Hattori, S. (2008) Energy consumption and evapotranspiration at several boreal and temperature forests in the Far East. Agric. For. Meteorl., 148, 1978-1989.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., van der Molen, M. K., Kodama, Y., Kononov, A. V., Maximov, T. C., Dolman, A. J., Yabuki, H., Hara, T., and Ohta, T. (2008)Prameterization of aerodynamic roughness over boreal, cool- and warm-temperate forests. Agric. For. Meteorl., 148, 1916-1925.