Jun Asanuma (asanuma [at]suiri.tsukuba.ac.jp) Terrestrial Environment Research CenterUniversity of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan Tel:+81-298-53-6704 Fax:+ 81-298-53-6704
Sheng-Gong Li (lisg [at] igsnrr.ac.cn) Synthesis Research Center of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), DaTun Road A11, Anwai Street , ChaoYang DistrictBeijing, China PR, 100101 Tel: +86-10-64889039
Gombo Davaa (watersecta [at] yahoo.com) Institute of Meteorology and HydrologyHudaldannyi St.-5, Ulaanbaatar 46, Mongolia +976-11-312765+976-11-326611
Calibration Information
Calibration once a year.
Research Fund
The rangelands atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interaction study experiment in north-eastern Asia (RAISE) project through financial support from Japan Science and Technology Agency (2003-2006)
Sugita, M., Asanuma, J., Tsujimura, M., Mariko, S., Lu, M., Kimura, F.,Azzaya, D., and Adyasuren, T., 2007: An overview of the rangelands atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interaction study experiment in northeastern asia (RAISE). Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 333, pp. 3-20.
S.-G. Li, J.Asanuma, A.Kotani, W.Eugster, G.Davaa, D.Oyunbaatar, M.Sugita(2005):Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia,Journal of Geographic Research-Atmosphere,110, D09303, doi:10.1029/2004JD005453