- Message from the former Chairman of AsiaFlux by S. YAMAMOTO
- Message from the Chairman of AsiaFlux by Y. OHTANI
- Report on the 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis by N. LIANG
- Report on the Carbo/HydroKorea Internal Workshop on Nov. 5, 2004 by J. KIM and D. LEE
- Regional Carbon Budgets: from Methodologies to Quantification by P. CANADELL and P. CANAN
- Report on the FLUXNET 2004 Open Workshop; Celebration 10 years since La Thuile and Planning for the Future
by S. YAMAMOTO et al.
- Damage by Typhoon 200418 at Sapporo-site, FFPRI Flux Net by Y. NAKAI et al.
Announcement for the 4th AsiaFlux Workshop