OM2: Farm field in Osaka Metropolitan University

General site detail (Updated 24 May 2023)
 Site name
 Farm field in Osaka Metropolitan University
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Sakai, Osaka, Japan
 Position 34°32'32.83"N, 135°30'29.62"E
 Elevation 30 m above sea level
 Slope 0 deg
 Terrain type
 Area 0.31 ha
 Fetch 50 m
 Climate Warm temperature (Cfa)
 Mean annual air temperature
 Mean annual precipitation
 1206.9 mm
 Vegetation type
 Weed grassed
 Dominant species (Overstory)
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Paspalum dilatatum, Setaria viridis, Eleusine indica,
 Bromus japonicus, Kyllinga brevifolia, Cyperus
 polystachyos, Juncus decipiens, Commelina
 communis, Solidago canadensis, Bidens Pilosa,
 Lactuca indica, Vicia villosa, Runmex japonicus,
 Persicaria longiseta, Ranunculus cantoniensis,
 Achyranthes bidentata, Oenanthe javanica

 Canopy height
 Several tens of centimeters
 Age Less than one year
 LAI 0 ~ 5
 Soil type
 pseudo-gray soil

Eddy Covariance method (CO2)
 System Open-path eddy covariance
 Wind speed
 Sonic anemometer (81000RE, R. M. Young)
 Air temperature
 Sonic anemometer (81000RE, R. M. Young)
 Water vapor
 Open-path CO2/H2O analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor)
 CO2 Open-path CO2/H2O analyzer (LI-7500, Li-Cor)
 Measurement height
 1.65 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 minutes
 Data logger
 CR1000 (Campbell Scientific Inc.)
 Data storage
 CF card
 Original data
 Raw data

 Observation items
 Levels/Depth Instrument
 Global solar radiation
 1 m
 Radiometer (SR05-A1, Hukseflux)
 Global solar radiation
 1 m
 Quantum sensor (ML-01, EKO)
 Long-wave radiation
 - -
 Long-wave radiation
 - -
 Net radiation
 1 m
 Net Radiometer (NR LITE2, Kipp&Zonen)
 PPFD (incoming)
 - -
 PPFD (outgoing)
 - -
 Direct/diffuse radiation
 - -
 Direct/diffuse PPFD
 - -
 Air temperature
 1.5 m
 Platinum resistance thermometer and
 capacitive (HMP50, Vaisala)
 Humidity 1.5 m
 Platinum resistance thermometer and
 capacitive (HMP50, Vaisala)
 Soil temperature
 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2,
 0.3, 0.4 m
 Soil heat flux
 0.05 m
 Heat flux plate (HFP01SC, Hukseflux)
 Soil water content
 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 m
 TDR sensor
 (CS616, Campbell Scientific Inc.)
 Wind speed
 1.65 m
 Sonic anemometer (81000RE, R. M.
 Wind direction
 1.65 m
 Sonic anemometer (81000RE, R. M.
 Barometric pressure
 - -
 Precipitation - -
 CO2 concentration
 1.65 m
 Open-path CO2/H2O analyzer
 (LI-7500, Li-Cor)
 Transmitted shortwave
 0 m
 Quantum sensor (ML-01, EKO)
 Canopy temperature
 1 m
 Radiation thermometer (IT-405N, Horiba)

 Phenology Phenological Camera (TLC2000, Brinno)
 LAI Twice a month using a plant canopy analyzer (LAI-2000)

Observation Period and Data Availability
 Measurement Period
 April 2022 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 Data Availability

 Masahito Ueyama (mueyama[at]
 Osaka Metropolitan University
 Graduate School of Agriculture
 1-1 Gakuencho, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, JAPAN
 Phone: +81-72-254-9432

Calibration  Information
 Open-path analyzers were calibrated approximately twice a year with
 standard CO2 gases a dew point generator (LI610, LI-COR) .

 Pole tower, Electrical power (AC)