ITP:Intact Tropical Peatland
observation site photos of ITP

 General site detail (Updated 5 November 2021)
 Site name
 Intact Tropical Peatland
 AsiaFlux site code
 Location Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Indonesia
 Position 0° 23'42.735" N, 102° 45'52.382" E
 (World geodetic system 1984)
 Elevation 9 m above mean sea level
 Slope 0.025° in 2 km radius of the tower location from
 south to the north side
 Terrain type
 Area > 15 km2
 Fetch Minimum 3 km
 Climate Tropical rain forest (Tropical-Fully humid (Af))
 Mean annual air temperature
 26.8 ± 0.9℃ (June 2017 to May 2020)
 Mean annual precipitation
 1757 mm (June 2017 to May 2020)
 Vegetation type
 Tropical peat swamp forest
 Domestic species (Overstory)
 Shorea uliginosa, Calophyllum ferrugineum, and
 Syzygium spp
 Dominant species (Understory)
 Pandanus spp., Cyrtostachys renda, and
 Nepenthes spp
 Canopy height
 32 ± 6 m
 Age -
 LAI -
 Soil type
 Peat soil; contains ~99% organic material with
 carbon content of ~55%

 Eddy covariance method (CO2)
 System Enclosed path CO2/H2O Analyzer (LI-7200, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Wind speed
 Windmaster Pro Anemometer, 3-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer
 (7900-415-50, Gill instruments Ltd, UK)
 Air temperature
 Windmaster Pro Anemometer, 3-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer
 (7900-415-50, Gill instruments Ltd, UK)
 Water vapor
 Enclosed path CO2/H2O Analyzer (LI-7200, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 CO2 Enclosed path CO2/H2O Analyzer (LI-7200, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Measurement height
 51.6 m
 Sampling frequency
 10 Hz
 Averaging time
 30 minutes
 Data logger
 Analyzer Interface Unit (AIU) (LI-7550, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Data storage
 Removable flash disk (APRO, Industrial Grade USB Flash
 Original data (Raw
 data or statistics)
 Raw data on 10Hz frequency data compilation

 Observation items
 Levels/Depth Instrument
 Short-wave radiation
 49 m CNR4 net radiometer (150471,
 Kipp & Zonen Inc. Netherlands)
 Short-wave radiation
 49 m
 CNR4 net radiometer (150471,
 Kipp & Zonen Inc. Netherlands)
 Long-wave radiation
 49 m
 CNR4 net radiometer (150471,
 Kipp & Zonen Inc. Netherlands)
 Long-wave radiation
 49 m
 CNR4 net radiometer (150471,
 Kipp & Zonen Inc. Netherlands)
 Net radiation (balance of
 short-wave and long-wave
 49 m
 CNR4 net radiometer (150471,
 Kipp & Zonen Inc. Netherlands)
 Photosynthetic photon flux
 49 m
 Quantum sensors
 (LI-190SL-50, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Direct/diffuse radiation
 - -
 Direct/diffuse PPFD
 - -
 Air temperature
 4,11,20,29,48 m
 Humidity & Temperature probe
 (HMP155, Vaisala Inc. Finland)
 Humidity 4,11,20,29,48 m Humidity & Temperature probe
 (HMP155, Vaisala Inc. Finland)
 Soil temperature
 -0.15 & -1.5 m
 Stevens Hydra ProbeⅡ, Stevens
 Water Monitoring Systems, Inc.) and
 Solinst Levelogger 529 Model 3001
 Soil heat flux
 -0.15 m
 Self-calibrating heat flux sensor
 (HFP01SC, Hukseflux)
 Soil water content
 -0.15 m
 Stevens Hydra ProbeⅡ, Stevens
 Water Monitoring Systems, Inc.)
 Wind speed
 51.6 m
 Windmaster Pro Anemometer, 3-Axis
 Ultrasonic Anemometer(7900-415-50,
 Gill instruments Ltd, UK)
 Wind direction
 51.6 m
 Windmaster Pro Anemometer, 3-Axis
 Ultrasonic Anemometer(7900-415-50,
 Gill instruments Ltd, UK)
 Atmospheric pressure
 51.6 m
 Enclosed path CO2/H2O Analyzer
 (LI-7200, LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Precipitation 1.5 m
 Manual rain gauge bucket
 (NETA, 250 mm, 10 inch)
 CO2 concentration
 4,11,29,48 m
 Closed path CO2 Analyzer (LI-8100,
 Fluxes of non-CO2 gases
 Gas CH4, N2O
 Method CH4 (Open Path CH4 analyzer LI-7700 LI-COR Inc. USA),
 N2O (Manual ground chamber based, analyzed using gas
 chromatograph-SRI ®8610C, USA)
 Measurement height
 CH4 (51.6m), N2O (measurements at peat surface)
 Data logger
 CH4 (LI-7550 Analyzer Interface Unit (AIU) LI-COR Inc. USA)
 Data storage
 Removable flash disk (APRO, Industrial Grade USB Flash
 Chamber size of N2O
 Volume: 6.750cm3,
 Chamber Dimensions: 30cm  L x 15cm W x 15cm H
 Soil respiration
 Photosynthesis No
 Ecological Investigation
 Tree diameter at breast height, tree stand density,
 micro-topography, litter fall inputs, Bulk density, N, P, K
 and C concentrations
 Peat subsidence
 Manual subsidence poles using perforated 5cm diameter
 hollow PVC pipes, inserted vertically into the peat and
 anchored into underlying mineral subsoil, measurements
 frequency: Quarterly
 Ground water level
 Automated groundwater level logger (Solinst Levelogger
 Model 3001), placed inside a perforated polyvinyl
 chloride (PVC) pipe, measurements frequency: 30 min.

 Observation Period and Data Availability
 Measurement Period
 June 2017 to present
 Measurement Frequency
 (10 Hz (30 minutes averaged)
 Data Availability

 Chandra Shekhar Deshmukh (Chandra_Deshmukh[at]
 Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL),
 JI. Lintas Timur, Pangkalan Kerinci, Kabupaten Pelalawan
 Riau 28300, Indonesia

 Tower, Solar cell electrical power (DC), Accommodation (Solar
 battery house and Guest gazebo), Telecommunication signal
 Research Fund
 Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL)
 Calibration Information
 Both enclosed-path (LI-7200) and closed-path (LI-8100) CO2
 analyzers were calibrated every three months using ultra high-purity
 nitrogen as the zero-point gas for CO2 and reference gases with
 concentration of 396ppm CO2 in air (certified grade ±1ppm)

 Deshmukh, C. S., Julius, D., Evans, C. D., Nardi, Susanto, A. P.,
 Page, S. E., Gauci, V., Lauren, A., Sabiham, S., Agus, F., Asyhari,
 A., Kurnianto, S., Suardiwerianto, Y., & Desai, A. R. (2019). Impact
 of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland. Global Change Biology, 24(9),

 Deshmukh, C. S., Julius, D., Desai, A. R., Asyhari, A., Page, S. E.,
 Nardi, Susanto, A. P., Nurholis, Hendrizai, M., Kurnianto, S.,
 Suardiwerianto, Y., Salam, Y. W., Agus, F., Astiani, D., Sabiham,
 S., Gauci, V. & Evans, C. D. (2021). Conservation slows down
 emission increase from a tropical peatland in Indonesia. Nature
